The representative of the Spanish footballer did not want to give names of teams but did point out that these are two clubs that play in the Premier League. “You can imagine that they come from England, because they can pay for it, there was no problem, they could even upload something else.”

Interest in Asensio, which has a clause of 700 million euros, is not new. And is that last summer and transcended an offer for a similar amount that the player discarded with a public statement in which he made clear his desire to continue at Real Madrid.

In addition, Gaggioli recalled how Barcelona had the signing of Asensio in his hand but did not finish it. “Bartomeu knows he was wrong with Asensio, they are things that happen in life, because of circumstances he made a mistake, he ran out of time, he lost his rice and Florentino was faster, we had everything closed, absolutely everything”.

In that sense, the player representative of Madrid recognized that the Catalan club wanted to rectify but it was too late. “I do not think anyone in particular fell asleep, they are circumstances of life, things happened at the time for Barça, I was immersed in problematic issues, trials, Neymar in between … and they let this happen. Barça reacted, but it was too late and it could not be done, it was impossible. “