Out against FC Seville due to a right elbow injury, the Argentinean forward of FC Barcelona Lionel Messi seems to have left to miss the Clasico against Real Madrid.

Every football fan, normally constituted, had coached the date of October 28, 2018 on the calendar. Think back : the first Call since 2009 between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid without Cristiano Ronaldo. And probably Lionel Messi !

Released just before the half-hour of play against FC Sevilla on Saturday night at Camp Nou, the Argentinean striker is indeed badly hit in the right elbow after falling back on an insignificant action. The pain was such that Messi could not wait until the end of the match to join the clinic for the first tests. He left the Camp Not during the meeting.

The first tests carried out on the spot do not give grounds for optimism. According to Radio Catalunya, the inner ligament of the elbow would indeed be affected, which would considerably complicate his return to play. The installation of a splint, or even a plaster, could even be envisaged in this case. However, this is not the case. For the time being, Marca announces that Messi is suffering from hyper-extension. In the event of a luxation, his forfeit against Real Madrid, and of course against Inter Milan on Wednesday in C1, would be recorded.