First of all, let us tell ourselves, there is no age to take up sports ! You can resume sports activity at any age, simply respecting your body, its rhythm and state of health. Do not hesitate to ask a doctor for advice to find a suitable activity, in addition to follow our advice on the subject.

Resume an activity to enjoy the benefits of sport

Physical activity is not only a very effective way to lose weight and maintain a slender and toned figure. In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, it is also a great ally for your immune defenses and your general well-being. Intensive or regular sport helps prevent many chronic, mental, and/or age-related diseases. Let’s see in detail the benefits of sport on your body and your overall quality of life.

What physical activity to practice to be fit ?

To begin with, it is worth revisiting the meaning of ” practicing physical activity “. Are some sports more suitable than others ? Indeed, when one seeks to start an activity, the choice that presents itself is particularly vast.

However, note that, unless contraindicated related to your physical condition (pregnancy, specific disability, particular disorders), all sports are beneficial to your body. Jogging, swimming, bodybuilding, group sport, aerobics at home… it’s up to you to decide according to your preferences and your physical abilities. The important thing is to devote at least thirty minutes each day. Of course, it is necessary to adapt this sports activity to your age and physical capacity, otherwise it will generate nothing but frustration. Or worse, injuries !

Among the most popular sports activities, walking is a favorite. Not only does it fit perfectly into your daily activities, but it is also extremely easy, in the sense that it does not require any hardware. For its part, bodybuilding is also a very effective activity to maintain muscle mass. It also allows you to sculpt an impeccable silhouette. You have to know that the damage of time is considerable. From the age of 30, we lose on average 0.5% of our muscle mass per year. Sport intervenes here as a real elixir of youth, helping the regeneration of bone, muscle or nervous tissues.

Stick to your rhythm !

Whatever activity you choose, whether it’s bodybuilding, running or any other activity, start slowly, to gradually increase the intensity as the sessions go on. Respect your body’s signals, and know how to stop when you need to. A workout always starts with a general warm-up, often in the form of light jogging. It ends with ten to fifteen minutes of recovery and stretching, during which you gradually decrease the physical exercise, and therefore the heart rate.
The benefits of sports activity on physical health

Beyond the obvious improvements in sports performance and fitness, regular sports practice is incredibly effective for the prevention of many chronic, cardiovascular, or degenerative diseases.
An effective vector for the fight against cardiovascular diseases

Regular physical activity improves and regulates the functioning of the heart system, dramatically decreasing all cardiovascular risk factors. Sport :

Reduces high blood pressure by up to 50 % ;
Reduces ” bad ” cholesterol (LDL) and blood triglycerides (1) ;
Increases the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL) in the body ;
Intervenes in vasodilation of vessels, to improve blood circulation (2) ;
Regulates blood sugar levels, thereby decreasing the risk of diabetes ;
Over time, it participates in making the heart more resistant and less tired during physical exertion.

An effective way to combat overweight and obesity

Be careful, obesity remains a pathology that requires medical care, and it is not a question here of affirming that sport makes it possible to systematically avoid obesity or overweight. However, it is an activity widely prescribed by therapists, in addition to appropriate treatment, to accompany patients on the road to recovery.

In general, physical activity remains ideal for small weight losses, and the conservation of its shape weight, in order to obtain a slimmer and more toned figure (3). Sport also reduces the risk of overweight or obesity in children (4). If you want to refine yourself, give preference to cardio sports such as swimming, elliptical, or running. On the other hand, if you prefer to build muscle, activities such as dance, Pilates, bodybuilding or aerobics will suit you best.

Strengthening the bone structure

This is not the best known effect of sport on the body, but it is nevertheless one of its greatest benefits. Practicing regular physical activity is beneficial for improving your bone density. Indeed, the contraction movement exerted by the muscles on the bones, via the tendons, will help strengthen the strength and robustness of your bones. The health of your bone mass therefore depends not only on the amount of calcium you ingest, but also on the sport you play.

When it comes to bone health, a reference is often cited : Wolff’s Law (5). According to her, bones form and resolve according to the mechanical stresses we inflict on them. Muscle and sports activity can condition these stresses and make bones stronger. This bone and muscle strengthening is perfectly indicated to limit the appearance of chronic conditions such as low back pain, inflammatory rheumatism, osteoporosis, or arthrosis (6).

The benefits of sport against aging

Sport is a great prevention tool against degenerative diseases, often related to age (7). By promoting endurance, muscle volume, bone density, and simply strength, physical activity repels the appearance of many signs of aging, while contributing to the reduction of bone injuries, back or knee pain, joint pain, and other chronic diseases, thus improving longevity (8). It is estimated that two to three hours of sport per week, for the oldest subjects, can extend life expectancy by almost five years.

What to age in shape and in total autonomy ! Indeed, sport helps to repel the loss of autonomy that most often occurs with age. It is related to our sedentary lifestyle, not just aging.

The benefits of sport on the immune system

We talk too little about it : the interest of sport for the body’s natural defenses, which is simply called “immune system”. Certainly, the effectiveness of our immune defenses depends on several factors, such as the quality of our diet, or our physical condition. While sport helps to increase life expectancy and reduce mortality, it also preserves the health of young people and adults. It makes our natural defenses more effective, more resistant to external aggressions of all kinds. Bacteria, viruses, pathogens, fungi, etc. In women in particular, sport increases the production of regulator of the immune response. It is also known that endurance sports help fight the decline of immunity. So, to your sneakers !

Considerable anti-inflammatory properties

Whether you are suffering from a disease or in good health, sport is really beneficial. It is known, for example, that sports activity activates the sympathetic nervous system, generating an increase in blood pressure, as well as heart rate. In addition, the body also produces norepinephrine and adrenaline through physical exertion. These hormones cause beneficial immune responses, which help regulate the secretion of cytokines in the body. Cytokines are related to the mechanism of inflammation (9)! Sports activity therefore has direct effects on the markers of inflammation.

In addition, sport has beneficial effects on chronic inflammations related to inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or arthritis. Sport is essential to maintain the shape of the muscles and to ensure the proper functioning of our joints.

Benefits of sport: anti-cancer effects

Numerous scientific studies have revealed the preventive action of sports activity against certain types of cancer. There is an 18% decrease in the risk of colon cancer or a 21% decrease in the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Beyond the preventive aspect, sport also allows cancer patients to maintain a good physical condition. Especially with regard to muscle mass. This can play a positive role in resistance to treatments and the healing process.

The mental health benefits of sport

The benefits of sports activity are not limited only to improving physical fitness ; sport is also a vector of well-being, acting directly on our mental health.
Sport conveys a sense of general well-being.

This has already happened to us all. What is this feeling that invades us after an intensive session of sport ? We are emptied, washed out … but also completely relaxed and serene. This feeling of well-being, almost euphoric, has its origin in endorphins. These pleasure hormones sent by the brain following the realization of an intense effort. Like a drug, this is also what explains an irrepressible need to train. By dint of training, some athletes can no longer do without their sports routine. Practiced with reason, sport allows you to feel more well-being and serenity.
The benefits of sport on intellectual abilities

As has been seen, the intensive practice of a sport, and in particular of an endurance sport, contributes to the improvement of blood circulation in the body. Therefore, carbon dioxide is also transported faster, resulting in better oxygenation of the brain. Brain activity is therefore greatly stimulated, improving our thinking or memory skills. It also improves morale, psychological balance and fights against nervous tension. In addition, it is favorable for brain development (10).

Sport, a quality antistress

As a consequence of the action of endorphins, and this general well-being, stress and anxiety levels also decrease significantly with the practice of intense sports activity. Beyond its tranquilizing effect, sport also makes it possible to make a break from everyday life, and to forget, for a few hours, the little hassles that usually occupy the mind. Subsequently, it helps us to consider these problems with much more serenity.

It is a real tool to fight against stress, anxiety attacks, or depression. It is all the more beneficial in children, adolescents and seniors, who are most affected by the lack of recognition and self-confidence.

Better sleep quality through sport

An intensive and regular sports practice is ideal to improve sleep cycles and enjoy a restful sleep. Again, endorphins, and the feeling of well-being they transmit help the body to plunge into a deeper sleep. Sleep free from stress and anxiety. Sport is therefore a formidable ally in the fight against insomnia (11).

The integration of new life values

Indirectly, sport helps to strengthen the links of social belonging and integration. It is often used in rehabilitation therapy for marginalized people. Indeed, whether it is a football team, a weight room, group activities (aerobics, dance, Crossfit, etc.)… Sport brings together different individuals around the same passion.

What to build strong relationships.

Beyond the societal aspect, a sporting activity, and in particular team sports, are excellent vectors of learning for young people. Sport conveys values of friendship, solidarity, respect, self-control, surpassing oneself or courtesy.

The benefits of sport: to conclude

Sport, accompanied by a suitable diet, has often been considered a way to quickly and effectively lose weight. And this, without dwelling on its incredible benefits on the physical and mental health of the one who practices it. Now, with the elements presented above, we understand that physical activity is a real therapy, effective at any age and at any level … As long as we show a little motivation and willpower.